Monday, August 29, 2011

100+ Women Who Care Donates $10,500

The week certainly got off to a great start this morning when Sally and Deb from 100+ Women Who Care DuPage County stopped by to present the HSP with a $10,500 donation. Not only was it an extremely generous amount, but the way the funds were raised was very unique as well!

The group meets only four times a year. Each of the 100+ members agrees to donate $100 each per meeting to the charity the group chooses. Nominating slips with the charities’ names are placed in a box. Three slips are drawn and the members who nominated those charities get to give a five minute presentation about that charity. The members then vote to see which non-profit group will receive all the $100 checks from that meeting. What a cool concept in philanthropic giving!

The HSP was so excited to hear that we were selected to receive the funds from this quarter's meeting! It was amazing to see Sally and Deb walk through the door with 105 $100 checks in a beautifully wrapped envelope. We definitely had a celebration at the Center!

Thank you 100+ Women Who Care for making such a huge difference in your community and in the lives of the needy children, seniors and families the HSP serves!

If you would like more information about 100+ Women Who Care, you can find them at:

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