Monday, September 19, 2011

Thanks for a Great Delivery Day!

Humanitarian Service Project would like to issue a huge thank you to all of those who made our Delivery Day this past Saturday a success! Every month HSP delivers over 90 pounds of groceries to the seniors in our Senior Citizen Project, which would not be possible without our wonderful corps of volunteers who donate their time and energy every month. Every month, over a hundred volunteers assist with Delivery Day in many different ways by; sorting groceries, donating gifts to the seniors as one of our “secret pals,” loading up cars, and delivering the groceries. With such an outpouring of support, we wanted to let all of the volunteers know that we at HSP, and our seniors, truly appreciate your generosity. We would especially like to thank those of you who mobilized to help on such short notice, being flexible and picking up the reins for those who could not make it on Saturday.

Several HSP staff members joined in on delivery day this past Saturday, and described it as a very fun time. Many of us here at HSP are learning the ins and outs of Delivery Day to help ease the transition for the new staff members who will be joining our Senior Citizen Project. Saturday was the last day of our Senior Citizen Project Coordinator, Sarah Grindstaff, who oversaw numerous successful Delivery Days in her tenure here. We know Sarah had wonderful support from all of our volunteers, for which we thank you wholeheartedly. We hope to see all of our volunteers’ smiling faces for future Delivery Days, and we thank you for your continued support in helping HSP reach out to needy seniors in the area.

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