This past week, United Stationers of Carol Stream extended a
helping hand to Lake Park
Elementary School in Addison.
United Stationers, a distributor of office supplies, has donated 350 backpacks
filled with school supplies, which were distributed Tuesday and Wednesday. Humanitarian
Service Project is overjoyed to have connected the two, but the generosity of
United Stationers comes to no surprise, since they are long time supporters of HSP.
HSP adopted Lake Park
Elementary into our Children’s Birthday Project due to their strong need for a
helping hand. 88% of the students at Lake
Park qualify for subsidized
lunches, a figure that depicts the level of poverty these students face. When
United Stationers contacted us with their gracious donation, Lake Park
Elementary was the obvious choice. The donated school supplies present a
substantial relief to parents and teachers alike.
Philanthropy is deeply important to United Stationers, who HSP
has grown to rely on for school supplies each year. However, they reached a new
level of generosity this year when they expressed a desire to distribute the
school supplies directly to Lake Park Elementary. Their strong community
outreach is a constant inspiration to HSP
and we look forward to our continued friendship with them.
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