Yesterday, HSP received a wonderful donation of 29 backpacks
full of school supplies from a drive organized by a special donor, Ian Netter.
Ian, an 18 year old resident of
Buffalo Grove, was born
Paraguay and
was adopted by a family in
His experience visiting
several years ago inspired him to spear head a project to collect and donate
school supplies to needy children there. He has been donating school supplies
to Paraguay ever since, and this year he managed to run such a successful drive
that he felt compelled to reach out to local children in need, as well.
We wish to thank Ian, and his mother Robin who dropped the
donation off, for these 29 excellent backpacks filled with supplies such as
folders, notebooks, crayons, colored pencils, erasers, and pens. We also wish to
thank everyone else who made our school supply drive so successful this summer.
We had three vans filled to the brim with school supplies that went to the
DuPage County Fairgrounds School Supply event on August 8th, and
have numerous other supplies that have gone, and will continue to go, straight to
schools and children in need.
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