Christmas is just days
away, and HSP is entering the final stages
of our Christmas Offering. It has been a great success, and we would like to
take this time to thank all the donors who have made contributions. Over the
last few days, HSP has received many
donations for the sake of the children, families, and seniors we serve. Many donors
ran “food drives”—such as the carload we received Friday from the HopeEvangelicalLutheranChurch. Others provided assistance
with the “Giving Trees” for children and seniors—50 of which were donated by
COD Cares Friday night. Additionally, we have received generous monetary and
toy donations from groups such as Just Energy, Living Lord Lutheran Church, and the MarquardtSchool District. As always, we are
so grateful for all our donors do for us. It’s always a comfort to see people
so caring and generous, especially during the holiday season. On behalf of all
of us here at HSP, we wish you all Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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