Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Trinity Lutheran 8th Graders Volunteer at HSP

Today, the Humanitarian Service Project was very grateful to host a total of 44 volunteers.  There were 35 student volunteers, and 9 parents and teachers from Trinity Lutheran in Roselle. Luckily, with such a big group, we had plenty of work for them to do.  The eighth graders, teacher and parent chaperones, split up into three groups. One group was sorting paper, one was sorting our non-perishable foods, one was in the freezer sorting meats, and bread.  These are all very necessary tasks for our warehouse because in order to run our Feed the Kids program and Senior Citizen Project smoothly, food must be sorted. The bread is sorted to be distributed to our seniors in the Senior Citizen Project.  The left over bread is then given to Lake Park Elementary. The group spent about two hours on their various tasks. 
            Trinity Lutheran found HSP through Jessica Becker, an 8th grade teacher. One of the mothers of a student told Becker of HSP. Becker then contacted HSP for volunteering opportunities. HSP booked the 8th graders for the volunteering and it was set. It is a yearly tradition for Trinity students to work a service project during their last year at the school.  The group worked very hard and quickly, sorting all of the food and non-perishables in just about two hours. In the end, multiple pallets full of paper products, and non-perishable foods were all ready to be shrink-wrapped and put away in their correct places in the warehouse. The freezer was re-organized and is now ready for a large meat delivery, arriving to our warehouse this Friday.
            All of the young adults were very enthusiastic about the work.  Smiles and laughter were abundant with their time volunteering in the warehouse. It is always a good thing to see young adults be so enthusiastic towards helping those who are less fortunate. If you are interested in volunteering at the Humanitarian Service Project warehouse, call us at 630-221-8340 or email us at

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