Monday, January 7, 2013

Donor Spotlight: Fox Valley Animal Welfare League

Jon, from the Fox Valley Animal Welfare League with donation.

We at the Humanitarian Service Project would like to take this opportunity to recognize the Fox Valley Animal Welfare League, for their consistent help in supporting the pets of the needy seniors served by our Senior Citizen Project. Every month, a volunteer from the League visits our Carol Stream center and drops off an entire carload of pet food for the furry and feathered companions of the pet owning seniors in our project. This monthly donation helps feed and care for 26 pets, including dogs, cats, birds, and more. The most recent donation was dropped off just this past Friday by Jon Wullbrandt, from the League, and will reach the seniors’ pets this Saturday, during our Monthly Senior Delivery Day. On these Delivery Days all 121 needy seniors in our program receive a 100 lb grocery package including 15 varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables, 7 frozen meats, 3 loaves of Pepperidge Farm bread, 6 bags of non-perishables, 2 bags of paper products, and personal care items, to meet their material and nutritional needs, and now, thanks to the Fox Valley Animal Welfare League, the needs of their pets as well.

HSP is very happy to have this partnership with the Fox Valley Animal Welfare League, which began making these monthly donations in May of 2012. Pet ownership has been suggested to have a profoundly positive impact on senior citizens, by providing both companionship and a means of staying active. Many of the needy seniors in our program are isolated due to poverty and health problems, and we thank the Fox Valley Animal Welfare League for their continued support of these seniors by helping them care for their pets.

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