How does Monthly Meals work?
Volunteers contact HSP letting us
know they wish to provide one or more senior with a meal that month, and we
will connect you with a needy senior in your area to arrange the meal delivery
What do you do for the meals? Well, our volunteers have a
couple of choices.
If they wish, they can make a home-cooked meal and deliver
it to their seniors. This is a great
option if you love to cook. Otherwise, volunteers can purchase and deliver a
meal from a restaurant, or, they can pick up a donated meal from a restaurant
and deliver it to their senior.
The Monthly Meals Program is very flexible, and designed to
work easily into your schedule. The times and dates of delivery will be arranged
between you and your seniors, rather than a set date and time through HSP. Volunteers are welcome
to commit on a monthly basis, but are not required to.
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