Friday, September 28, 2012
Thank you Volt!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
HSP Salutes our Super Speakers!
The speakers play an incredibly important role for HSP
because, as HSP Co-founder and CFO Floyd
Kettering said at the event, “[they] really are the face of HSP
to the community.” The speakers represent HSP
in front of community groups, schools, businesses, etc., to educate them about HSP ’s
programs. Every member of our speaker team has been of invaluable assistance by
keeping the community engaged in HSP ’s
mission to serve senior citizens and families who are suffering under the
burden of poverty, in our community. We were delighted to have the opportunity
today to recognize them for all their hard work.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Birthday Gifts and Bread for Lake Park Elementary
Earlier this week, a van full of birthday boxes for the
needy children with October birthdays
Lake Park
Elementary was delivered from our center in Carol Stream
to the school. HSP is very happy to be partnered with Lake Park Elementary as
we know the need there is so great. 88% of students qualify for free or
subsidized lunches. Earlier this year HSP was able to adopt all of these needy
children into our Children’s Birthday Project. Each child in the Children’s
Birthday Project Birthday Box includes a 20-25 pound package containing 4-10
toys, 5-7 books, numerous smaller “filler gifts,” school supplies, and all of
the supplies necessary to hold a memorable birthday party.
HSP would like to thank volunteer Steve Stasiak, who
volunteered his to make this delivery to Lake Park Elementary, in order to help
us make these children’s (birth)days!
In addition to the boxes, HSP was also able to donate
upwards of 24 boxes of Pepperidge Farm bread to Lake Park Elementary. This bread
will be distributed to needy families with children at the school.
Friend of the project Jeff Marker, with the van packed full
of gifts and bread that was delivered to Lake Park Elementary earlier this
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Thank You Young Men’s Service League
Service Project would like to extend a huge thank you to the Carol
Stream “Panther” Chapter of the Young Men’s Service League for holding
and donating a large toy drive for the sake of the needy children served by our
Children’s Birthday Project. The donation was dropped off at our center in Carol
Stream earlier today by Debbie Finnegan, and, let us tell you, it
was quite the impressive drive. Debbie’s van was completely filled with
wonderful gifts including many heavily needed items like board games and sports
The Young Men’s Service League is
an organization with chapters in five different states, in which mothers and
their sons engage in service and make donations to benefit the needy of their
communities. The Carol Stream chapter has been very
active in assisting HSP this year, and has shown particular devotion to helping
us reach the needy children served by our Children’s Birthday Project. Several
members volunteered their time on two different days in the month of July to
help sort gifts for the project, and numerous other members helped out in May
during the annual Stamp out Hunger food drive. We wish to thank them again, for
all this phenomenal support.
This fantastic toy
drive from the Young Men’s Service League comes in a great time, as we at HSP
are just beginning to prepare for the Christmas season. Not only are we
committed to providing gifts to help make birthdays special for the 888
children ages 3-11 in our Children’s Birthday Project, but they, along with
their siblings up to age 15, receive gifts at Christmas time as well. Toy
donations, such as this one, are what continue to allow HSP to reach out to
these needy children and help them feel special. If you would be interested in
helping HSP’s Children’s Birthday Project, or one of our other projects, you
can learn more at our website:
or call us at 630-221-8340.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Allured Business Media Donates $10,000 to HSP’s Senior Citizen Project!
HSP would like to thank everyone at Allured
Business Media, who generously donated all the proceeds from their Charity
Garage Sale to HSP for their Senior Citizen Project. Today, Allured representative Anita Singh presented
HSP with a series of checks totaling $10,000.
HSP would like to specifically recognize Allured President Jan Ludwig for organizing the event. HSP is very grateful to Allured for everything they have done, both for HSP and for the needy seniors they have helped!
From Left: HSP Co-founders Floyd and Karole Kettering, Anita Singh from Allured, and HSP Assistant Director Kristin Maxwell. |
On September 7th and 8th, the Carol
Stream company held their garage sale in their warehouse, at 336
Gunderson Drive , Suite A. After the dust settled, $5,000 came in from the sale, and
was generously matched, dollar for dollar, by Allured! The funds received
represent two thirds of a full endowment to enroll a new senior into our
program. Thanks to another recent partial endowment, HSP is close enough now to
increase our program by one new senior. This means that there will be a
permanent slot for another senior in our program forever.
Furthermore, many items that were not sold at the sale were
donated to HSP to help fulfill the needs of the impoverished seniors served by
HSP. Each senior in the Senior Citizen
Project has an individual wishlist consisting of household items that they need
to make their lives easier, but they cannot afford. Allured generously donated many such items
that were not sold at the garage sale, including vacuums, TVs, and a computer.
These items were delivered to the seniors as part of our Senior Delivery Day
this past Saturday.
Our Senior Citizen Project helps impoverished seniors in
DuPage and Kane Counties
by providing a monthly 90 pound delivery of groceries, non-perishables, paper
supplies, and toiletries.
HSP would like to specifically recognize Allured President Jan Ludwig for organizing the event. HSP is very grateful to Allured for everything they have done, both for HSP and for the needy seniors they have helped!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Senior Delivery Day is Right Around the Corner
Once again HSP is gearing
up for our monthly, Senior Citizen Project delivery day, which is happening tomorrow,
the 22nd of September. On our delivery days our volunteer delivery
drivers personally deliver 90 pounds of fresh fruits, crisp vegetables,
non-perishable food, frozen meat, bread, paper products, personal care items,
and a gift from a “secret pal” to each of the 120 needy seniors served by our
Today was a very happening day around HSP as we prepared for
tomorrow’s event. We would like to recognize our dedicated volunteers Steve
Stasiak and Mike Reich for picking up the Pepperidge Farm bread for our seniors.
We would also like to thank all of the volunteers who came, on short notice no
less, to help us sort the fresh fruits and vegetables we ordered from Caputo’s.
These friends of the project; Gretchen Van Dyn, Sandra Burke, Peter Stepaniuk,
Linda Krieger, Mark Pierce, Marilyn Kinney, Dawn Spiewak, and Mary Persinger,
were all smiles despite the gloomy weather. Everyone today did a smashing job and once
again thank you for coming in last minute and helping out.
We would also like to acknowledge Rose Garcia, founder of
the DuPage County
chapter of Birthday Cakes 4 Free, who brought eight lovely cakes donated from
Whole Foods for our seniors with birthdays this month.
If you are interested in being involved in our senior
delivery days there are numerous ways for you to join in. Please feel free to
call us at 630-221-8340 or email us at with
any questions.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
McGladrey Charity Night

This is the third time in the past few months McGladrey has hosted an event like this to benefit HSP, as Kristin attended similar events in June and July. We would like to thank McGladrey for all that you’ve helped donate to HSP and our Children’s’ Birthday Project. We also want to specifically thank Chunna Yan and Donie McDermott for organizing this event series and supporting HSP. Because of groups like this one, we are continually able to help needy children feel special on their birthdays. We currently have 888 impoverished children participating in the Children’s Birthday Project, and every gift that we receive truly makes a child’s birthday fantastic! If you are interested in making a difference in the lives of the needy children we serve, check out our website for more information:, or call us at, (630)-221-8340.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Volunteer Spotlight-LexisNexis!
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The group from LexisNexis did an incredible job today-thank you! |
Today LexisNexis , a business
solutions company and long-time friend of HSP, continued their streak of
generosity by coming in this morning to volunteer. A group of nine volunteers,
organized by Lisa Piekos, came to HSP for three hours to wrap presents for the
Children’s Birthday Project. They were even kind enough to bring their own
wrapping paper and tape!
This is not the first
time the Lombard firm has volunteered their
time to HSP. LexisNexis has helped out with previous projects, including
sorting food, toys, and wrapping presents. They have also been generous with
donating toys and items for the needy children and seniors HSP serves in DuPage
and Kane Counties . LexisNexis has been an incredible help to HSP,
and HSP would like to thank them for everything they have done. Thank you!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Just One More Day: Vote for HSP!

There are
two ways to vote. The first is open to all Facebook users. “Like” the Chase
Community Giving page, and then click the “vote now” button on the front page
of the site. You will have to select “allow access” to download the Chase Community
Giving app. This will give you two votes, which you can use to vote for HSP and
another cause you believe in. The other way to vote is for Chase Customers
only. Just go to and follow the prompts.
The money
from your votes will go a long way in helping HSP continue to serve needy
seniors and families in the community, so we are counting on our supporters to
make their voices heard and vote. Spread the word to any friends you think may
also be interested, but remember voting ends tomorrow!
Monday, September 17, 2012
HSP Contributors-UPS Supply Chain Solutions

UPS Supply Chain Solutions also sponsors a needy senior in
our project which grants the senior a 90 pound delivery of much needed groceries
including, fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, frozen meats, non-perishables,
paper products, and personal care items.
HSP would like to thank UPS Supply Chain Solutions for all
their hard work. Their efforts mean a
lot to HSP, and have been incredibly beneficial to the needy seniors and
children of DuPage and Kane Counties .
Friday, September 14, 2012
Help a Senior: Be a Volunteer Driver
HSP is looking for volunteers willing to be
volunteer drivers for our Senior Citizen Project delivery days. This
opportunity is perfect for someone looking to volunteer some of their time each
month to make a difference in the life of needy senior citizen.

Carol Stream on our monthly delivery days (usually the third or
fourth Saturday of each month) at their chosen timeslot any time from 8:45am
until Noon . Our volunteer loaders will pack the food for one or
two seniors in the driver’s car, for the driver to deliver. Maps are provided
to the senior’s homes. Volunteers can sign up to drive regularly each month, or
they may volunteer as a substitute, who periodically fill the spots of regular
drivers who may not be available on a given month.
On each monthly delivery day, the 120 needy
senior citizens served by our project receive 90 pounds of groceries designed
to provide them with the fresh, nutritious food that they need, but cannot
afford. These groceries include frozen meats, a menagerie of fresh fruits and
vegetables, bread, non-perishable foods, personal care items, and paper
products. Volunteer drivers are the backbone of our monthly delivery days, as
they are the ones who literally see to it that the seniors receive this food
that they so desperately need. If you are interested in helping HSP serve needy
seniors in this way, please call us at 630-221-8340. Our next monthly delivery
day is fast approaching on September 22nd, and we’d love having
anyone interested in participating involved in the event.

Now, you may be wondering what volunteer drivers actually
Drivers come to our center in ![]() |
Some drivers even like to get their furry friends in on the fun! |
Thursday, September 13, 2012
School Supplies Save the Day
HSP to the rescue once again, this time with a whole host
of school supplies for deserving schools. This Tuesday HSP sent out two vans full of school supplies to four schools in Aurora and another van full of school supplies was delivered
to a school in Addison today. We want to especially thank Steve Stasiak,
Larry Erven, and Bob Reininga, for helping us deliver the school supplies all
the way to Aurora and Addison. We are always so grateful for their help here at
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Bob and Jeff with all the supplies |
schools were specifically selected because they have a high percentage of
students whose families are incapable of providing everything their child needs
for the new school year. For those children who do not have enough supplies, or
any school supplies, it’s difficult to enjoy going to school or participate in
class. When these students receive their new school supplies it will motivate
them for the upcoming school year; that’s why HSP is happy to provide these wonderful students with new school supplies
to keep them excited about school.
Sampling of the supplies |
wish to thank everyone who has donated supplies or money to our School Supply Drive this year. Thanks to all of our donors we were able
to send to these five schools roughly the same amount of school supplies that
we had sent earlier to the DuPage County Back to School Fair on August 8th.
Donations are received year round, and each birthday box we send to a child in
our Children’s Birthday Project has school supplies also. There’s always an
impressive need for school supplies and HSP is still accepting dominations into November. Help local young
students thrive; bring your donations over to HSP today!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
HSP Spotlight: Monthly Meals!

How does Monthly Meals work?
Volunteers contact HSP letting us
know they wish to provide one or more senior with a meal that month, and we
will connect you with a needy senior in your area to arrange the meal delivery
What do you do for the meals? Well, our volunteers have a
couple of choices.
If they wish, they can make a home-cooked meal and deliver
it to their seniors. This is a great
option if you love to cook. Otherwise, volunteers can purchase and deliver a
meal from a restaurant, or, they can pick up a donated meal from a restaurant
and deliver it to their senior.
The Monthly Meals Program is very flexible, and designed to
work easily into your schedule. The times and dates of delivery will be arranged
between you and your seniors, rather than a set date and time through HSP. Volunteers are welcome
to commit on a monthly basis, but are not required to.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Thank You Allured!

We want to thank Allured for all the energy and resources
they put into the sale for the sake of the needy seniors served by our project.
Also, we specifically wish to recognize Jan Ludwig, Allured’s President, who
organized the event, and the Allured employees who volunteered their time to
work at the sale. We also wish to thank everyone who donated items or who
attended the event. Thanks to everyone involved, this event was a big success,
and will better equip HSP to serve the very needy seniors who receive much
needed groceries and others services through our project.
Monday, September 10, 2012
A Bounty of School Supplies for Needy Students
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Larry and Evelyn with the purchased supplies |
We wish to thank Larry and Evelyn for making the school
supply purchases on behalf of HSP. The supplies were purchased yesterday, and
will arrive at the schools this week. We also want to thank all of the donors
who have donated to our School Supply Drive
this year. Every donation helps a child to succeed, and HSP is ecstatic about
how successful this year’s School Supply Drive
has been. We are still receiving supplies through the end of October and into
November! It’s not too late to donate!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Who Cares, Kohl’s Cares!
Volunteers from Kohl’s in Wheaton were back in action once again yesterday, as they
helped sort and package our paper products for the Senior Citizen Project. HSP loved seeing this wonderful group of five volunteers all sporting
their stylish, purple “Kohl’s Cares” shirts. HSP Senior Citizen Project
Coordinator, Tierney Hogan, spent some time with this group yesterday and said
they expressed how joyful they were to find a place like HSP where they feel
they can both have a good time and do important work for those in need.
Likewise, we at HSP loved hosting these volunteers from Kohl’s, as they have
brought such enthusiasm for service in their time here.
We wish to thank this
wonderful group taking the time to help us bag our paper items for the Senior
Citizen Project’s delivery day. On our senior delivery day HSP volunteer drivers deliver 90 pounds of food which includes fresh
fruits and vegetables, non-perishables, frozen meat, bread, personal care
items, and a secret pal gift directly to a needy senior. Thanks to your time
and effort, we are getting a leg up on our senior delivery day this month. Thank
you again Kohl’s Care volunteers, it was treat to have you volunteer with us
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The Polls are Open: Help HSP Receive $20,000 for the Needy
Today is the first day to vote for
HSP to receive funding through the Chase Community Giving program. As we wrote
in our blog a few weeks ago, HSP is one of the 196 nominated local charities
eligible to receive funding up to $20,000 through the program based on the
number votes we receive. This grant would mean big things for our projects to
relieve the pain and suffering poverty brings to needy senior citizens and
families. We hope that all of our supporters will participate and spread the word to their friends as well!
There are two ways to vote. The first way is for Chase customers only, and is as simple as going to and following the
instructions to cast your votes.
The second way to vote is open to anybody with a Facebook account. Facebook
users will get two votes to use by using the Chase Community Giving App found
Of these two votes, you can only use one to vote for HSP ,
but you can earn bonus votes that you can use to vote for HSP
again by sharing content from the Chase Community Giving App on your Facebook,
or by getting your friends to link back to the Chase Community Giving App and
casting their own vote.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Garage Sale Deals this Weekend!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
HSP Welcomes a New Intern!

Kelly says our internship opportunity first caught her eye
because of her desire to work at a small firm. She says she was also interested
in HSP because of the services we provide to the needy in the community, as she
herself has been active serving others, most recently through the Alpha Phi
Omega service fraternity at Elmhurst. Kelly says she is motivated to serve the
needy because of her deep-rooted, personal belief that people are called to
serve those in need around them. After she graduates, Kelly hopes to continue
gaining experience in accounting while she prepares for the CPA exam. When she
has free time, Kelly enjoys playing volleyball, reading, watching movies, and
loves to cook. We are very excited to have Kelly here with us. Please join us
in welcoming her to HSP!
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