We at the Humanitarian Service Project think that, as a month, April has been treated somewhat unfairly. It has become synonymous with rainy weather, and, as any lovers of literature out there may know, T.S Eliot began his famous poem The Waste Land with the line, “April is the cruelest month.” However, anyone who so much as went outside yesterday or today would know that April does not deserve this reputation. In fact, HSP has a couple of fun events going on this month that are anything but “cruel,” that we would like to share with you. (Above: We've had such a sunny start to our April that we just had to snap a few photos outside our center yesterday.)
The first event is the inaugural DuPage Human Race on Saturday April 21st. We won’t go into too much detail, as we discussed the event in our blog last week, but it is a 5K Run/ 2 mile fitness walk in which participants can sign up and raise money for HSP. If you want to learn more about the event, or to sign up, you can go to http://www.active.com/donate/dupagehumanrace, or if you can donate directly to HSP at http://www.active.com/donate/dupagehumanrace/humanitarianservicep.
The second, special event HSP has circled on its calendar this April is the 37th Annual Charity Fashion Show and Luncheon of the Bloomingdale Women’s Club. This is one of the club’s major annual fundraisers, and HSP is honored to have been selected as a major recipient of the funds raised by the event. The show will be hosted at The Seville Banquet Hall in
With events like this on the horizon, HSP is looking to have a fantastic April, and we’d like to think, T.S Eliot might change his mind about April if he had a month like this as well.
Bloomingdale Women's Club members will be modeling York Furrier coats at the annual fashion show on Sunday, April 29th.