Friday, September 23, 2011

Everything is Falling into Place

Friday the 23rd marks the first day of fall 2011, though it already seems like the summer heat fled long ago. As was mentioned in a post a few days ago, fall is a time when the Humanitarian Service Project is moving full steam ahead to prepare for our various holiday initiatives. However, we’d like to take this time out to reflect on summertime and to thank all of those that made summer 2011 such a great season around the HSP. Through our summer programs Feed the Kids and the School Supply Drive, donors and volunteers helped Humanitarian Service Project reach hundreds of families who needed assistance this summer. Likewise, our yearlong Children’s Birthday Project and Senior Citizen Project chugged along with a lot of fantastic assistance. We had a lot of bright, summer help in the form of our summer interns, and a lot of wonderful support in a myriad of ways from our volunteers and donors. We want to extend our thanks to everyone who supported HSP in the summer.


As mentioned previously, fall is a time transition here at HSP, and we look forward to making it just as wonderful of a season as summer was. We still have room for new fall interns if you are, or know, someone who is looking for such an experience. We also have a number of ways to get people involved around here in the coming months. You can look at our website at if that appeals to you, or call us at 630-221-8340 to inquire about opportunities. Hope you had a great summer and here’s wishing you a fabulous fall!

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