We have been very fortunate to get some great press coverage recently that we want to share with you. We had two feature articles on our summertime Feed the Kids program show up in the Daily Herald and Carol Stream Press/Wheaton Leader newspapers.
The Daily Herald and the Carol Stream Press both sent reporters and photographers on June 8 to cover our Feed the Kids distribution day.
We were so thrilled to have them here that day, and even more thrilled when we picked up the newspaper on June 17. The
To the Daily Herald: http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20110622/news/706229965/
To the
Please check out the link on the Carol Stream Press to look at additional photos that are just as amazing.
The Feed the Kids Project fills the nutrition gap for low- income children when school is out for the summer. These children, who receive the majority of their daily nutrients from federally subsidized meals at school through the School Breakfast Program and National Lunch Program, experience a drastic reduction in nutrition during the summer months and often go hungry. By providing their families with a total of 750 pounds of food in June, July, and August, the Feed the Kids Project is able to relieve the hunger and stress that these needy children face. Each food package contains nutritious, vitamin-rich foods - 9 varieties of fresh vegetables, 9 selections of fresh fruits, 7 selections of frozen meats, at least four 25-pound boxes of non-perishables, and child-friendly healthy snacks.
Thanks to Lisa Kimball, our volunteer professional PR coach for her contacts and insight into getting press coverage. Please share these links with your friends and family. You may inspire someone to get involved with this vital program!
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