What would you do to save the life of a child? Climb a mountain, you say; cross a river; rush into the burning building…
But how about making a simple phone call and buying a toy?
Yes, a simple toy could make all the difference. Do you remember your first Christmas? Waiting and waiting to open up those gifts in the morning; joy overwhelming you while you’re unwrapping that box. Dreams coming true, the feeling of being a kid with all possibilities in front of you wide open rushing in. Ah, the precious memories that even to this day make warm feelings flow through your body. (And what a perfect time for warm feelings it is, considering how quickly the cold winter has settled in!)
Life is full of memories, you know, – happy and sad, heroic and scary, loving and hateful. Helping give a poor child happy memories saves that child’s life. It encourages that child to grow up strong, to dream big, and to remember that everything is possible – just like getting a simple toy on a cold winter day when all the middle-class kids got theirs.
At the Humanitarian Service Project, we and our friends and people just like you who want to share joy and bring Christmas spirit forth – are all committed to making a difference.
We are a phone call away: 630-221-8340. Don’t hesitate, and call us. Save the life of a child living in poverty by giving that child a simple, pure, happy memory.

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