Monday, December 7, 2009

A Crafty Christmas Idea

by Sheila Noblitt, HSP Staff

Aurora crafter Stephanie found a creative way to help HSP. She's donating one craft item for our new Arts & Crafts Kits for each Etsy sale she made through last Saturday, a total of 48 items. Her shop QuintessentialQuirks specializes in poptop mini-pin cushions among other cute items. Stephanie and her husband Brian are also planning to donate their time during our upcoming Boxing Party next Sunday.

I marveled at last year's Boxing Party, my first, as a small army of volunteers tackled a mini-mountain of presents, carrying huge bags of toys into the warehouse. Much like a symphony conductor, our Founder and Executive Director Karole took the stage to orchestrate the production. With 30 years under her belt, Karole and company pretty much have this day down to a science much like Santa and his Elves must.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Humanitarian Service Project.

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