Wednesday, November 27, 2013
HSP is Thankful for Living Lord Lutheran
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Barnes & Noble Holiday Book Drive benefits needy children
A variety of great reads from Barnes & Noble |
we received 1,884 brand new books from the generous patrons of the Barnes and Noble in Oak Brook. As part of their
annual Holiday Book Drive, Barnes & Noble gave customers the option to purchase
a book for a child in need. Along with
HSP, the book drive benefits other organizations that serve impoverished
Books play an integral role in both
our Christmas Offering and Children’s Birthday Project. A child who is enrolled in the CBP will
receive 6 new books in their birthday box, and will receive the gift of reading
for Christmas, as well. The children
served by both these programs have very limited access to books, so we put a
very big emphasis on providing them to needy children.
To spark children’s interest in
reading, customers donated such classics as The
Adventures of Captain Underpants, One
Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, and a new Hardy Boys adventure: Into Thin Air. As a fundamental tool used to develop young
minds, it is key that children in need have access to fun and engaging
literature. We would like to thank
everyone who purchased a book for a child in need, and also thank the Barnes
& Noble in Oak Brook for hosting the drive.
We believe that the importance of children reading cannot be overstated,
and thankfully the staff and customers at the Barnes & Noble in Oak Brook
are on the same page as us.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Food Drives Fight Hunger this Christmas Season
Divine Savior Food Drive |
the past couple of weeks, HSP has been blessed to receive many generous food
drives to help serve the needy seniors and families in our programs. Much of the
donated food will go to the families served by our Christmas Offering. All
the children in the Christmas Offering receive Christmas gifts, and 150 of the
neediest families receive 3-4 weeks’ worth of groceries, including fresh fruits
and vegetables, bread, meat and non-perishable items, to help them get through
the Christmas season. Some of the
donated food will also be given to the needy seniors in the Senior Citizen
Project. The impoverished seniors enrolled in this program receive monthly
deliveries of groceries, paper products, and gifts.
HSP would like to thank everyone who donated much needed food to feed the kids
and seniors we serve.
Downers Grove North Direct Action Club |
HSP would like to recognize a few for their
outstanding contributions. The Willowbrook High School Key Club and Jackson
Middle School Builder’s Club filled up one of our cargo vans with the food they
collected. Divine Savior Parish’s Religious Ed Department collected over 50 bags
of non-perishables. A new friend of HSP, Panalpina in Elk
Grove Village , donated a full van of food. Last, but not least, the
Downer’s Grove North High School’s Direct Action Club organized an extremely
successful food drive and brought in over 1500 items! Many more organizations
and individuals have generously contributed, and HSP is so grateful for all the
selfless giving that helps us fight hunger through the Senior Citizen Project
and Christmas Offering.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Handcrafted Toys from DuPage County Woodworkers Club
is generous donations like these that enable HSP to serve the children of our
community. If you are interested in
hosting a toy drive or contributing to the Christmas Offering email us at or
visit our website at
for more information.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Thank You, Carol Stream Woman’s Club!
The sponsorships made by groups like the Carol Stream Woman’s Club go a
long way in helping HSP serve the 123 senior citizens currently enrolled in HSP ’s Senior Citizen Project.
Needy seniors enrolled in the program receive
monthly deliveries of personal care items, paper products and 100 lbs. of
groceries, consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, frozen meats,
non-perishables and Pepperidge Farm bread. The seniors also receive a monthly “Secret
Pal” gift, gifts at Christmas time, and other individually requested
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Birthday & Christmas Gifts Delivered to Schools
We also made a visit to another
partner school, Valley View Head Start in St. Charles . There, our
volunteers delivered 35 bags of Christmas gifts, and eight birthday boxes. Aside from providing over 1,600 children and
123 senior citizens in DuPage and Kane counties with Christmas gifts, the
Christmas Offering also supplies 150 needy families with 3-4 weeks of
groceries, including fresh fruits and vegetables, frozen meats,
non-perishables, and a turkey & holiday meal kit.
At both schools, the children served by HSP all suffer under the
weight and stress poverty brings. Thanks
to our delivery volunteers, Dean Senne and Jeff Marker, these children are able
to celebrate special occasions like birthdays and Christmas. Thanks to all of our supporters, including
volunteers like Dean and Jeff, HSP is able to reach out to these children who
otherwise would have nothing, at a time when every child should have special
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Thanks to the YMSL
Yesterday HSP
hosted 18 boys and moms from the Carol Stream “Panther”
Chapter of the Young Men’s Service League (YMSL.) This volunteer group spent
over two hours in our warehouse yesterday afternoon sorting bread for the needy
senior citizens and families we serve. The YMSL have dedicated themselves to
assisting HSP reach out to those suffering
under poverty in our communities, and have been very thoughtful and prolific
volunteers. In fact, the volunteer event yesterday was the third time YMSL
volunteers came to help out this month! We also hosted YMSL volunteers on
November 8th and 11th who helped sort food for the needy
families we will be serving through our Christmas Offering.
The Young Men’s Service League is
an organization in which mothers and teenaged sons work together to engage in
“meaningful community work.” The Carol Stream Young Men’s Service League
Chapter have definitely accomplished this goal through all that they have done
to help us meet the needs of the impoverished seniors, children, and families
we serve!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Thank You, First Trust Cares!
FT Cares, the charitable division of First Trust in Wheaton , generously
donated 87 children’s coats as well as some additional hats and gloves. First
Trust brought the donation to our center on Friday last week. First Trust donated
these very warm, brand-new coats in all sizes and in both boys’ and girls’
styles. They showed extra care by matching scarf sets to the coats.
donated items will be given to the families in the Christmas Offering. Some of
the children will receive these greatly needed coats, hats, and gloves as extra
items in addition to the toys, books, and games they receive through the
Christmas Offering. Friday, November 15, 2013
Thanks to Syracuse High SOS and BMW!
Today was a very
exciting day here at HSP, as we had two wonderful volunteer groups helping us
end the week on a strong note.
The first group made its way to us
all the way from Syracuse , Nebraska .
This group of 43 students and chaperones from Syracuse
High School , was one of, if not the
largest single volunteer groups HSP has ever had. These students volunteered
with HSP as part of their SOS (Students of Service) Club’s service trip. The
SOS club branched off of the school’s former FCCLA club with the mission of
getting students directly involved in community service. Allison Beers, the
FACS teacher at Syracuse High, said that the purpose of the trip was to allow
the students to get out of their familiar surroundings and experience how
giving service can do so much for those in need. On top of spending two hours
making Christmas gift packages for needy children, organizing meat packages for
hungry families, and organizing paper products for impoverished seniors, while
they are in the area, these students will also be volunteering with Feed My
Starving Children, as well as the Mike Hike Charitable 5k in Homer Glen
The second set of
volunteers who graciously gave their time today was a group of 10 from the
Central Region of BMW North America in Schaumburg . BMW
encourages its employees to spend a day serving the community, so these
volunteers generously spent nearly the entire day at HSP assisting with a
number of tasks including the sorting of non-perishables to be distributed to
needy families during Christmas, organizing bread for needy seniors and
families, and even helping send letters to the families in our Christmas
Offering! These employees of BMW were really gung-ho volunteers, and even
brought a donation of non-perishable food as well!
Both of these groups were full of
enthusiasm and took to the tasks we had for them with great attitudes. We wish
to thank both of them for the invaluable support they provided today to benefit
the needy children, families and seniors we serve. With the first distribution
of our Christmas Offering less than a month away, it takes the heartfelt
support of many groups like these in order for us to reach the over 1,600
children and 123 seniors served through the program. We still have a few open
volunteer spots in the month of December, so if you are interested in lending a
hand, like these two magnificent groups, please call HSP at 630-221-8340.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Thank You, Girl Scout Troop 1836!
The kits the girls made will be used for the birthday boxes in our Children’s Birthday Project (CBP). Children in the CBP receive a birthday box on their birthday, filled with 6-10 toys and games, 6 books, school supplies, stuffed animals, and a complete party-in-bag kit. The donated party in a bag kits will help the children celebrate and make their day special.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Christmas Offering Food Drives
December draws nearer, preparation for the upcoming Christmas Offering is
kicking into high gear here at HSP . Many organizations and individuals have
generously been hosting food drives to help us collect over 20 tons needed to
provide 150 families and 123 seniors with food this Christmas. Over the past couple of days in particular
we've received several food drives from local groups that we would like to take
this chance to thank!
The first we received is from St. Walter’s
are so grateful for the continued support of these generous donors. Thank you all for your dedicated
support! The food donated makes a
tremendous difference in the lives of the children and seniors we serve.
donations have given us a great start to this giving season, but we still need
your help. Serving 150 families and 123
seniors this Christmas requires over 20 tons of food! If you are interested in
hosting a food drive or making a food donation to benefit our Christmas
Offering and Senior Citizen Project please contact us at
or visit our website at
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Thanks for Everything, Alex!
Alex, pictured fourth from right, on her last day. |
Friday, we here at HSP bid farewell to a
member of our wonderful intern team, Alex Carpio. In the two months she was here, Alex lent
immeasurable support to HSP by assisting
with a number of different projects.
Among these projects, Alex helped manage the
waiting list for our Christmas Offering.
She took and organized requests from families in need who wished to be added
to the list so that they might share in our Christmas Offering. Thanks in major part to Alex’s hard work, HSP
will be able to provide many of the children in these needy families with exciting
new Christmas gifts and warm holiday memories.
addition to her assistance with this important part of our Christmas Offering,
Alex also helped with a number of other projects, including community outreach campaigns
and by contributing to HSP ’s social media
sites. Aside from her given assignments,
Alex was always very quick to assist with her Spanish-speaking skills.
are truly thankful for all Alex has done for the sake of the needy families and
seniors in our programs. Alex will
surely be missed around HSP ’s office for her
hard-working, sunny attitude. We wish
her the best as she moves forward onto new and exciting experiences!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Happy Birthday, Michelle!
Today at HSP
we had the opportunity to celebrate a very special birthday, that of our staff
member, Michelle Heron. Michelle joined HSP ’s
staff in June as the Senior Citizen Project Coordinator. She is an incredible
member of HSP ’s team, and does so much to
coordinate every aspect of the Senior Citizen Project (SCP ).
The project is a complicated one, but Michelle picked up the ins and outs of
organizing it very quickly. In addition to everything she does with the SCP ,
Michelle also has responsibilities with both Feed the Kids and the Christmas
Offering. We are so happy to have Michelle as part of the HSP
team. She brings so much great energy to the SCP
and her cheerful personality brightens the office every day!
HSP staff and interns celebrated Michelle’s
birthday by decorating the café, having lunch together, and enjoying a
delicious homemade cake. HSP is so thankful
for Michelle and was delighted to be able to celebrate with her. Please join us
in wishing Michelle a happy birthday!
Friday, November 8, 2013
Girl Scout Troops Collect Food for Impoverished Families
Yesterday, Girl Scout troops 1197, 4880, and 4895 from Norton Creek Elementary in West Chicago
brought an extremely generous food drive donation to our center for the
Christmas Offering! The girls and their troop leaders came to the center for a
tour and to drop off the food they collected. They spread the word about their
food drive by canvassing their neighborhoods with flyers and putting an article
in the school newsletter. Their drive was enormously successful! They brought
in over 50 bags of non-perishables! We want to thank these girls for putting so
much spirit into helping the 150 impoverished families we serve through the
Christmas Offering. Each family receives 3-4 weeks worth of groceries, including
fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, meat and non-perishable items, to help them
get through the Christmas season.
The girl scouts were also very excited to go on the tour
and learn more about Thursday, November 7, 2013
Power PAWS Volunteers
HSP had a group of 5th graders, the power PAWS, along with their
parents from Weisbrook Elementary in Wheaton volunteering for us. There were 18
students and parents altogether helping sort non-perishables as well as
organizing boxes and other things for our Senior Delivery Day coming up this
Saturday. The Senior Citizen Project delivers nutritious food to the needy
elderly in the areas of Dupage and Kane Counties.
Power PAWS is the school’s way of
achieving one of its goals which is to have all students participate in a
community service activity for college and career readiness. The volunteer
opportunity was arranged and led by one of our regular volunteers, Kristin
Dixon, whose daughter was in the group. The power PAWS were also able to take a
tour of our building and learned more about our programs here at HSP.
These young volunteers were really
happy and enthusiastic about volunteering, and they helped out a ton! HSP is
happy to have had this great group of volunteers with us yesterday.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Senior Care Kits Needed!
Personal Care kits are
distributed every three months and include:
2 Shampoos
2 Conditioners
1 Lip Balm
1 Toothbrush
1 Toothpaste
2 Dental Floss
3 Lotions
6 Bars of Soap
2 Hand
Presently, the
specific items we have the greatest need for are conditioner, dental floss,
lotion, hand sanitizer and bar soap. Any
and all donations of individual items or complete kits are greatly needed and
appreciated. Please let us know if you
are able to help us in providing this service to our seniors!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Two Phenomenal Volunteer Groups Visit HSP
Already in the spirit of
giving, we’ve had volunteer groups from Philips Healthcare, based in Roselle , and the DuPage division of Junior Achievement of
Chicago donate their time to HSP . They helped us prepare boxes of
non-perishables that will be delivered to impoverished families in DuPage and Kane Counties through our Christmas Offering.
Yesterday we welcomed a group of 16 volunteers who
graciously gave their time because of Philips’ inter-company service program. Requiring every employee to give back to the
community, regional managers and office staff from Philips offices all over the
Midwest came out to help HSP get ready for Delivery Day. Drawing on their slogan of “Innovation that
matters to you”, our volunteers from Philips Healthcare certainly did work that
matters to people in need.
second group of volunteers work for a non-profit that aims to teach kids
valuable business skills, financial literacy, and work readiness. Thanks to business professionals who donate
their time, Junior Achievement of Chicago provides their services free of
charge to children in grades K-12.
Serving the same DuPage County community as HSP , one of their staff thought it would be a good
idea to get out of the office and do some volunteer work themselves. Just
like HSP , Junior
Achievement is always looking for volunteers, so if you have any business
know-how visit them online at
During the Christmas season, we here at HSP are always looking for volunteers, specifically
during the first few weeks of December, so if you or your group would like to
come help at our center, please give us a call at (630) 221-8340 to set up a
time to volunteer.
Monday, November 4, 2013
High School Students Help Needy Families and Seniors
Recently, HSP
has had several volunteer groups and donations from local high schools that are
helping us with the Christmas Offering and our other programs.
Not willing to let Hinsdale Central have all the fun, the
Business Professionals of America Club from Hinsdale
South High School
volunteered with us today. These 12 students contributed by packing food boxes
of non-perishables for the Christmas Offering.
Friday, November 1, 2013
“Good Night, Sleep Tight”
Piper with a few sample "bundles" |
Yesterday, we received 77 “Good Night Bundles” for the needy
children enrolled in our Children’s Birthday Project. These bedtime bundles
were donated by a local high school freshman, Piper Winkler, who started the project
named “Good Night, Sleep Tight” with her friend, 8th grader Ana
Powell. Each bundle includes items such as pajamas, books and either a stuffed
animal or a blanket and socks depending on the age of needy child the bundle
was made for. They even went the extra mile and themed these wonderful bundles.
For example, the “Monkey Bundle” contained monkey print pjs, a monkey stuffed
animal, and a Curious George book. In
addition to giving these items to HSP, Piper and Ana also donated bundles to
impoverished children at Hesed House in Aurora .
This project is aimed to provide needy children with “added
warmth and comfort for the cold winter months ahead, because every child should
go to bed comfortably and peacefully.” After Piper realized that many children
don’t have this luxury and reading about her high school’s (Rosary High, in Aurora )
long history of service, she was inspired to create the project.
Piper received much support from her parents, Chris and
Michelle Winkler, as well as the congregation at First
United Methodist
Church in Geneva .
Piper said that one of the most valuable things that she learned is that
“service helps bring people together” and is very thankful for the opportunity
to serve those in need as well as the chance to be able to grow closer to those
that supported and helped her with this project.
HSP would like to thank Piper, Ana, and everyone that helped
contribute to her “Good Night, Sleep Tight” project. As the holidays approach
and winter rolls around, these bedtime bundles will come in handy and bring joy
to the needy children in our Children’s Birthday Project.
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