Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Thank you to Chesterbrook Academy!

        For the past two Saturdays, Chesterbrook Academy, in Naperville, hosted Children’s’ musician/entertainer, Jim Gill. Gill performed in three shows to benefit the Humanitarian Service Project’s Children’s Birthday Project. More than 100 people attended each show. The concerts were very upbeat and exciting. Everyone had a great time and HSP would like the thank Chesterbrook Academy for hosting this concert on behalf of the children in the Children’s Birthday Project.
HSP will receive all of the proceeds made from the event; in addition we received 85 packages of non-perishable food. All children who were under the age of 2 years received free admission with the donation of one non-perishable item. One of our lovely volunteer speakers, Sandy Bergeson, represented HSP at the event and she brought in all of the food collected at the event, to our center yesterday.

In addition to thanking Chesterbrook Academy for their donations, we also want to thank them for hosting Jim Gill. Gill specializes in child development; his performances are geared towards a playful interaction between a child and an adult. All of the people who attended the concert had a great time, playing, dancing and interacting with one another. Gill also donated part of his earnings from the concert to HSP. 

HSP would like to give a huge thank you to Chesterbrook Academy for all of their hard work. We would also like to thank Jim Gill, Sandy Bergeson, and everyone who attended the concert in support of HSP. We are truly thankful and we know that all of the needy children in our program are too.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Annual Allured Business Media Garage Sale Supports HSP!

Attention HSP followers, we need your help! Allured Business media, located in Carol Stream, is hosting their 2nd annual Garage Sale to benefit the Humanitarian Service Project! The funds are going to help support a needy senior in our Senior Citizen Project. Every month seniors receive 100 lbs. of groceries,which includes 8 fresh vegetables, 7 fresh fruits, 7 frozen meats, fresh Pepperidge Farm Bread, non-perishables, and a monthly Secret Pal gift.
            Allured Business Media is looking for gently used, un-broken, and working items to be donated. Items can include furniture, lamps, toys, dishware, clothing and accessories (handbags, scarves, and jewelry), baby furniture, sporting goods, pots/pans, household decorations, exercise equipment, electronics, collectibles, and Books/DVDs, CDs. If you have any of these items just sitting around your home and would like to make a donation all items can be dropped off EVERY Friday in August from 9 AM to 3 PM at Allured Business Media, 336 Gundersen Drive, Suite A, Carol Stream, IL. 
            Don’t have any items to donate? That’s okay! You can join us for the 5,000 sq. ft. garage sale. There are going to be tons of items. You never know what kind of treasures you could find. The Garage Sale runs September 6th-7th from 9 AM to 4 PM in the Allured Business Media parking lot, 336 Gundersen Drive, Carol Stream, IL.

   We here at HSP want to thank you so much for your help. If you have any questions please contact us at (630)221-8340 or email us at You can also visit Allured Business Media on Facebook to find out more information. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Happy Birthday Matt!

         Today, Humanitarian Service Project had the opportunity to celebrate the birthday of a very special staff member, Matt McGahan! Matt is a valued member of the HSP team; he is the Grants Manager and is always hard at work. He is continually offering to lend a helping hand, and we all appreciate the effort Matt puts forth at HSP. Matt keeps the office lively with his interesting facts and funny comments. Everyone here is thankful for Matt and all he does for HSP.

            All of HSP’s staff and interns gathered in the café for lunch and delicious cake for dessert to celebrate with Matt. In addition, we were able to share with Matt how much we appreciate him and what he means to all of us at HSP. It was a fun time together! Please join us in wishing Matt a happy birthday and to another wonderful year!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Thanks for a great summer, Lindsey!

It's a bittersweet day at Humanitarian Service Project as our intern, Lindsey Conger, works her last day. She has completed three months as a marketing intern working important tasks such as community outreach, spearheading several marketing campaigns and writing press releases.

Lindsey found her marketing internship at HSP listed on the internet. Immediately after her interview at the Carol Stream office she said, “I knew it was a good place.” Her career aspirations include working in Public Relations and Marketing for a non-profit organization, which is why this particular internship was the perfect fit for her.

Working in an office setting has helped Lindsey to understand how the team works toward their mission of alleviating the pain and suffering that poverty brings to individuals living in the DuPage and Kane County area.

For the remainder of Lindsey’s summer break, she is traveling to North Carolina to visit her family. As soon as she returns home she’ll prepare for the new school year. She has one semester left before she graduates with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism. Her studies have focused specifically on Public Relations and Radio. After college, she will decide whether she would like to live in Chicago or North Carolina.

Lindsey has been a valuable member of the HSP team and she will definitely be missed. We wish her the best in her future endeavors; we know she will excel in her career! 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Volunteer at Last Fling!

        Like every year, The Naperville Jaycee’s are hosting the Last Fling from August 30th - September 2nd. Come out and join the fun this summer. This is the first year HSP will be represented at the event by volunteers. HSP will be receiving a donation for Jaycee’s based on how many volunteers from HSP work at the Last Fling, so we are putting the word out to all of our supporters to offer you the chance to be a part of this exciting event. So, do not miss this great opportunity to enjoy a carnival, live entertainment, business expo, family fun land and tons of food! You get the opportunity to volunteer at the Auxilary Beer Tent, Entertainment Beer Tent, Family Fun Land, and Signage. Along with that, you also have a chance to be part of the General Manpower, Special Events, or Ticketing. This is a great opportunity to volunteer with your family, teenagers from 16-18 can volunteer at ticketing, special events, food areas or trash pick up and children from 12-15 with their parents volunteer at special events and in food areas. You can volunteer for one or more 5 hour shift between the following times.

Shifts are available:
Thursday: 4pm – 8pm
Friday: 4pm – 11pm
Saturday: 9am – 11pm
Sunday: 9am – 11pm
Monday: 8am - 8pm
Volunteer sign up ends August 15th!
Sign up now to reserve your spot!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Head Start on Birthdays!

Yesterday, HSP was happy to send off twelve Birthday Boxes for the needy children at Two Rivers Head Start in west Aurora. The children who will receive the boxes birthdays are in August and September. Periodically, the boxes for children enrolled in the school are picked up in order to ensure that they have a fantastic birthday!
 Our relationship began with Two Rivers Head Start earlier this year due to the fact that they have high rates of low income families. There are a high percentage of families of students enrolled in Two Rivers that have a total household income within 125% of the national poverty level. Because of the high need in the area, HSP has adopted more than 50 needy children in the school.  HSP adopted children that are turning 4 or 5 into the program this past year. This relationship has allowed us to reach more needy children in the far reaches of DuPage and Kane County than we ever could before.  
We are very grateful that we are able to continue to support children in the local community through our Children’s Birthday Project and other projects.  We wish to thank all of our supporters for allowing us to make birthdays special for these children in need .If you would like to sponsor a child at $54 a year, call our office at 630-221-8340.
Birthday in a Bag

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Children Helping Children!


            This morning we had a group of hardworking children from Bethlehem Lutheran (Saint Charles, IL) Vacation Bible School, came in to help with the Children’s Birthday Project. The kids were here to learn more about our program, because they are conducting a toy drive for the needy children we serve.  There will also be another group coming to help us tomorrow.  There were 10 kids and 3 adults that helped pull, wrap, and box presents for upcoming birthdays. Our interns that were supervising had a great time with the children and said that the kids were very mature and speedy workers. 
            Our Children’s Birthday Project reaches out to children ages 3 to 11 who live in poverty in DuPage and Kane Counties. Our goal is to create wonderful memories to last a lifetime. We place very special and unforgettable birthday packages in children’s hand on their most special day – their birthdays! Each year we provide gifts to 900 children. Each Birthday Box weighs 20-25 pounds and contains 4-8 new toys, depending on value; 5-7 new books; a game or activity kit; plush animals; several smaller gifts; school supplies; and a “Party-in-a-Bag” with cake mix and frosting, candles, party favors, cups, plates, napkins, and much more!

            We want to thank Bethlehem Lutheran Church for their help today and conducting a Toy Drive for the children in our project. There are so many ways to become involved at HSP in making a big difference. If you, or your group, are interested in helping in any way, give us a call at (630) 221-8340, or you can e-mail us at

Monday, July 22, 2013

Second chance to see Jim Gill in concert and help HSP!

This past Saturday, Chesterbrook Academy, in Naperville, hosted Childrens’ musician/entertainer, Jim Gill. Gill performed in two shows to benefit the Humanitarian Service Projects Children’s

Birthday Project. More than 100 people attended each show. The concert was very upbeat and exciting. Everyone had a great time and HSP would like the thank Chesterbrook Academy for hosting this concert on behalf of the children in the Children’s Birthday Project.

At Gill’s concerts, he encourages the children and their parents to sing-a-long and dance together. He has released six award-winning CDs featuring music that encourages play for young children. His music has become a favorite amongst parents, teachers, and children. Before performing, Gill specialized in child development; his performances are geared towards a playful interaction between a child and an adult.

If you missed out on this weekend’s concert and would still like to see Gill in action, do not worry because Chesterbrook Academy is hosting one more show this Saturday, July 27th. All of the proceeds, again, will be donated to HSP and go towards helping the needy children in the Children’s Birthday Project. We here at HSP encourage you to partake in this fun and entertaining event to have some great family fun! If you have children of young ages you are guaranteed to have a few hours of playful entertainment for them! 

The show will be held at 1571 Oswego Rd in Naperville, IL. Gill will be performing on July 27th at 10 am. The tickets for this event are $5 and children 2 years and under are free with the donation of one non-perishable food item. Contact Lisa at 630-416-1516 for more information!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Thank You UPS Volunteers!

Tomorrow HSP will be ending this warm week on an exciting note week with our monthly Senior Delivery Day. We would like to thank our wonderful volunteers who helped us prepare for tomorrow’s event sorting fresh produce and Pepperidge Farm bread to be delivered to the seniors. We would like to thank a group of seven volunteers from UPS Supply Chain Solutions in Carol Stream, who volunteered for 3 hours working in our warehouse. This hardworking and enthusiastic group was ready to help in any way. UPS SCS regularly volunteer for our produce sorting days and have been steadfast supporters of HSP.

            Every month HSP delivers a total of over 6 tons of nutritious groceries, the 121 needy seniors in the project, each received 100 lbs. of greatly needed, nutritious groceries. These 100 lb. packages include 15 varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables, 3 loaves of Pepperidge Farm bread, 6 bags of non-perishables, 7 frozen meats, 2 bags of paper products, personal care items and a gift from their “secret pal.” You can imagine it takes many people to make this happen. Volunteer produce sorters, like these thoughtful and hardworking UPS volunteers, are just one of the important groups that help HSP make this happen every month. Again, we want to thank them for taking time out of their busy days to help us reach out to seniors in need. There are so many ways to get involved to assist HSP in making a big difference in the lives of needy seniors in our community. If you would be interested in lending a hand, you can learn more about these opportunities on our website:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Rotary Club of Wheaton Donates 1200 Backpacks

With school around the corner, it’s time to gather school supplies by preparing students for a year full of gaining knowledge. The Rotary Club of Wheaton has outdone themselves with their Annual Backpack Drive by collecting 30 cases of backpacks. Think about it as a simple math problem; multiplying 30 cases by 40 backpacks amounts to 1200 total backpacks. That means 1200 needy students will have a new backpack to start off the school year. Amazing!


Former educator and current President of the Wheaton Rotary, Lori Belha, spearheaded the event. The funds for the drive were raised through the club’s annual Christmas fundraiser and by numerous individuals and businesses throughout the area. According to Belha, the fundraiser is a “real community effort.” Wheaton Rotary Club’s motto this year is “pay it forward” and that’s exactly what they’re doing by providing Humanitarian Service Project with this sizable donation. Now, hundreds of needy students will be thrilled to receive their brand new backpack. In addition to these backpacks, the Wheaton Rotary’s annual drive also supports School District 200.

Humanitarian Service Project is running a Back to School drive where individuals and businesses around the DuPage and Kane County area donate notebooks, folders, pencils, pens, crayons, etc. so that they can be given to children that can’t afford these back to school necessities. The supplies and backpacks from Wheaton’s Rotary Club will go straight to the DuPage Regional Office of Education’s Back to School Fair. The fair is being held at the Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park on August 7, 2013. Remember; we take donations all year long! To make a donation, you can email us at or call (630) 221-8340. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Don’t Miss out on Family Fun!

Don’t miss the opportunity to see Jim Gill’s Family Room Tour! Chesterbrook Academy is sponsoring three concerts by Jim and his band with all ticket proceeds benefiting HSP. The live shows will be held at1571 Oswego Rd in Naperville, IL.  Jim will be performing on July 20th at 10am and 3 pm, and July 27th at 10 am.

During Jim’s concerts, he encourages the children and their parents to sing and play together to ensure that a great time will be had by all! Jim has released six award-winning CDs of music and play for young children that have become favorites in family rooms, classrooms, and playrooms. Jim also speaks to early childhood educators, care providers and children’s libraries across the country about the many benefits of play in young children’s lives. HSP is very grateful that Chesterbrook and Jim Gill will be putting on such a great show for the local children! All proceeds from the event benefit Humanitarian Service Project so we encourage you to attend this fun family concert for a good cause. All proceeds will be used towards serving the children in our Children’s Birthday Project.

The ticket price for this event is $5 and children under 2 years old are free with the donation of one non-perishable food item. Contact Lisa at 630-416-1516 for more information!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Student Life Volunteers bring Positivity to HSP!

The Humanitarian Service Project (HSP) was blessed to have volunteers, who are attending the Student Life Camp, at Wheaton College, come to our center today.  They will be volunteering at our warehouse 3 days this week as apart of their Student Life Camp curriculum. Today’s activities involved the volunteers helping us set up for our August Feed the Kids (FTK) distribution day.

The volunteers are a part of the 7th -12th grade youth group from Green Valley Baptist Church, located in Saint Joseph Missouri. There were 9 volunteers total (3 adults and 6 students). These volunteers are attending the Student Life Camp to help enrich the lives of those in need through service. According, Laurie Huffman, one of the leaders of the youth group, the Student Life Camp and today’s service is all apart of their “Random Acts of Kindness Campaign” where they do acts of service.

The group graciously gave 4 hours of their day assisting us in our warehouse. In the morning, the volunteers set up tables and 100 boxes for our FTK families and then after a quick lunch break they helped fill the box with 25lbs each of nonperishables. FTK supplies 100 families (approximately 375 children) with 175 lbs of nutritious groceries during each of the summer months of June, July, and August. During the summer, many of the families lack access to nutritious food because they can no longer rely on the subsidized lunches they received during the school year. FTK helps to supply the families with groceries once a month in order to fill that void. Each month, all the families receive a selection of 15 varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables, 3 boxes of non-perishables weighing 25 pounds each, 7 kinds of frozen meats, and 3 loaves of Pepperidge Farm bread.

We want to thank today’s volunteers for their tremendous help in helping us prepare for our Feed the Kids distribution day. Their hard work and positive attitudes really brightened HSP’s day! We look forward to hosting them this week! If you or your group is interested in volunteering with HSP please give us a call at (630)221-8340 or email us at

Monday, July 15, 2013

VBS from St. Walter Parish Church Joins the Fun!

       Last Friday, Humanitarian Service Project discussed a great donation collected by St. Petronille’s Vacation Bible School, but they are not the only ones partaking in the fun this summer! Another fantastic VBS, from Roselle, also ran a wonderful donation drive for the sake of needy children. The VBS at St. Walter held an Arts and Crafts and School Supplies Drive, and gathered eight boxes full of supplies! In addition to the drive, VBS ran a fundraiser to support HSP to continue to serve children suffering from poverty. St. Walter is a steady supporter of HSP, last year; St. Walter’s VBS had a fundraiser to support HSP’s Senior Citizen Project and a School Supply Drive. We are thankful for all they have contributed to HSP’s programs over the years!

            All of their hard work setting up the drive and fundraiser is valued, and directly helps our Children’s Birthday Project. HSP relies greatly on donations such as the drives these awesome VBS groups have held; if you would like to be involved in helping HSP, please contact us at (630) 221-8340, or by email at To keep informed of upcoming events and to get involved in other areas of HSP visit our website at 

Friday, July 12, 2013

St. Petronille supports The Children’s Birthday Project

Yesterday Humanitarian Service Project was excited to receive 30 “Party-in-a-Bag kits” assembled and donated by the children from St. Petronille Parish’s Vacation Bible School. These great kits contain a multitude of supplies to provide impoverished children everything they need for a special birthday party. These kits will be included in the birthday boxes for needy children served by our Children’s Birthday Project.

The St. Petronille parish has been long-term supporters of the project. A group from the parish recently volunteered on June 20 to take part in HSP’s Feed the Kids Project. They worked in the warehouse and packaged 100, 25-lb boxes of non-perishable food products and sorted through 70 cases of meat. The children at St. Petronille’s Vacation Bible School helped to make 30 party-in-a-bags. All of their help directly provides underprivileged children with healthy and nutritious meals during the summer and party supplies for a fun-filled and memorable birthday.

The Children’s Birthday Project serves 900 children ages 3-11 living in the Dupage and Kane County area. Every year on their birthday they receive a Birthday Box of gifts. The box consists of about 6-10 new toys, 6 new books, puzzles, stuffed animals, games, and a party-in-a-bag. These boxes ensure that the children can have a fun-filled birthday party with exciting gifts to open. Each child receives a party-in-a-bag so that they can celebrate with family and friends. It’s a great activity for kids to take part in.

If you would like to take part in creating a Party-in-a-box for an underprivileged child, make sure that is follows a fun theme (Blue’s Clues, Disney Characters, Spiderman, etc.) and include the following items:
1. Cake Mix
2. Streamers
3. Plates
4. Napkins
5. Candles
6. Cups
7. Frosting
8. Balloons

To get involved with any of the projects taking place at Humanitarian Service Project, please call (630) 221-8340 or email

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Labels for Education!

In addition to our ongoing school supply drive, Humanitarian Service Project has become involved in “Labels for Education.” For the program, HSP needs friends of the Project to help us by collecting different labels and caps from over 2,500 participating products such as Campbell’s soup, Dannon yogurts, Pop Secret, and BIC products. The complete list is located here: Any help collecting these labels would be greatly appreciated so that HSP can fully take advantage of this program in order to better assist local needy children.

The Labels for Education program will benefit the children in the Children’s Birthday Project. There are many categories from which we can select items from including school supplies, arts & crafts, and sports equipment. In addition to cutting out labels, Dominick’s shoppers can also go to Labels for Education’s website to register their frequent shopper card. On the website, they can select HSP as the group they would like to support and each participating product purchased will credit 1 point to our account automatically! 

Get clipping and you can help HSP earn free supplies! If you are interested in donating, please call our office at 630-221-8340, email us at, or come by our office in Carol Stream.  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July Distribution Day Ends Successfully!

Volunteers Jeff and James loading a car!
Today was the July distribution day for Feed the Kids and everyone was very busy here at Humanitarian Service Project! Many volunteers helped make this great day possible. HSP wants to thank all the friends of the Project who came out to make this day a great success including volunteers from Naperville Junior Woman’s Club and the Young Men’s Service League from the Panther Chapter in Carol Stream. All of the volunteers and staff enjoyed the beautiful day outside and were thankful for the nice breeze.
The Feed the Kids program focuses on families with children who receive subsidized lunches during the school year.  During the summer months, they often struggle to provide nutritious food to their children. To help combat the absence of school lunches and the nutrition they provide for children, HSP gives the families in FTK a monthly delivery of fresh produce and groceries during the summer months.

Afternoon Indoor Volunteers!
Throughout the day, 100 families were given their 2nd monthly delivery of groceries this summer. In the months of June, July, and August, the families receive 175 lbs of groceries. In this delivery, they receive a selection of 15 varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables, 3 boxes of non-perishables weighing 25 pounds each, 7 kinds of frozen meats, and 3 loaves of Pepperidge Farm bread.
Our last distribution day for Feed the Kids is on August 7th. Volunteers for this event are always greatly needed! Any help you can provide is always greatly appreciated. There are two shifts that volunteers can work: 9am-2pm or 1pm-6:30pm. Any volunteer who can help with FTK will know they’re making a difference and having a positive effect in the lives of hundreds of local children.  If you are interested in volunteering, do not hesitate to call HSP’s office at 630-221-8340 or email us at

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2 Volunteer Groups Help HSP Prepare for FTK Distribution Day

This week is an exciting week for the Humanitarian Service Project because tomorrow is our second Feed the Kids (FTK) distribution. FTK supplies 100 impoverished families (approximately 375 children) with 175 lbs. of nutritious groceries during each of the summer months of June, July, and August. During the summer, many of the families lack access to nutritious food because they can no longer rely on the subsidized lunches they received during the school year. FTK helps to supply the families with groceries once a month in order to fill that void. Each month, all the families receive a selection of 15 varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables, 3 boxes of non-perishables weighing 25 pounds each, 7 kinds of frozen meats, and 3 loaves of Pepperidge Farm bread.

HSP relies on the help of many volunteers in order to prepare for our distribution days. Today, HSP was honored to have two wonderful groups of volunteers to help prepare for our distribution day tomorrow.

The first volunteer group joined us from the Kohl’s located in Wheaton. They sent 5 wonderful associates that assisted us at our center with sorting fresh produce and weighing onions/potatoes for our families in FTK. The Volunteer group from Kohl’s in Wheaton frequently volunteers their time as part of the company’s nationwide “Kohl’s Cares” initiative. Through this program Kohl’s encourages their employees to positively impact their local communities by volunteering at nonprofit organizations, such as HSP, who are devoted to serving needy children. These volunteers did a great job today and really helped us prepare for tomorrows big day.

The second volunteer group joined us from United Stationers in Carol Stream. They provided 4 volunteers to also help us prepare for tomorrows FTK distribution day by sorting fresh produce and bread for the families. Everyone at United Stationers have been longtime friends of HSP and very avid volunteers. They are always a tremendous help to us and we want to thank them for all of their hard work.

HSP would like to again thank the two groups of volunteers that came into our center today to help us prepare for tomorrows FTK distribution day. They did a remarkable job. If you or your group is interesting in helping HSP give us a call at (630)221-8340 to find out more information. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Bright Intern Joins HSP!

       Today, Humanitarian Service Project happily welcomed Kevin Bhagat to the intern team! Kevin will be working under the direction of Floyd Kettering, HSP’s CFO, and Alex Gordy, Database Coordinator, as HSP’s network administration intern. He will be working to install a new computer network system. Kevin is currently attending College of DuPage to study Information Technologies. In the fall, he will continue his education at DePaul University. In addition to his schoolwork, Kevin has devoted much of his time to serving others through community service. In high school, he was a regular volunteer at the Woodridge Public Library. He also contributed some of his time to volunteering at a local nursing home. Kevin’s desire to be involved in his community and help others is evident through his volunteer work.

       In his spare time, he enjoys working on cars, and tearing apart and reassembling computers. Over the years, Kevin has been involved in several sports including, football, soccer and basketball. Kevin thought HSP would be the perfect organization to gain experience in the networking field. Everyone at HSP is excited to have Kevin here and we look forward to his contribution to HSP’s projects in order to serve families and seniors living in poverty in DuPage and Kane counties. Please join us in giving Kevin a warm welcome to HSP

Friday, July 5, 2013

A Summer Food Collection

            HSP would like to thank Corpus Christi Council of Catholic Women in Carol Stream for conducting a food drive. The Council of Catholic Women is a group for women to come together and perform service in their community. Hearing about our food needs the council put out a call to action in their bulletin. These women collected four boxes and two bags of non-perishables including our most needed items canned tuna, peanut butter, jelly and canned vegetables.  
             The Catholic Women’s Council was motivated to help our Feed the Kids Program which provides 100 low-income families with groceries each month during June, July, and August. The families receive 175 lbs of groceries, including 15 varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables, 3 boxes of non-perishables weighing 25 pounds each, 7 kinds of frozen meats, and 3 loaves of Pepperidge Farm bread.
            We thank Council of Catholic Women for conducting this drive for the children we serve. Humanitarian Service Project is always looking for help from the community to volunteer at our center or to conduct food drives. If you or your organization is interested in helping, please contact us at (630)221-8340 or email us at For more information check out our website at


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

HSP on Display!

Humanitarian Service Project is currently on display at the Wooddale Public library this month! In addition to this, Clarendon Hills Public Library was generous enough to let us set up in their display case last month. These displays are full of information about our programs, specifically our Feed the Kids program, Senior Citizen Project, and Children’s Birthday Project. The posters also educate community members on how they can help HSP serve needy seniors and families in DuPage and Kane County.

Library Display at Elmhurst Public Library
Humanitarian Service Project has been blessed by many different libraries allowing us to put display boards up! Many friends of HSP have heard about us first through our display boards so we ware excited for the opportunity that Wooddale has give us to spread the word on our services to feed needy families and seniors. There are brochures on our programs at the Wooddale Library so you can take home the information or give it to a friend.

HSP wishes to thank both libraries and appreciates that they allowed us to get our name out in the community in order to spread awareness of our  programs and service! HSP is lucky to have this relationship with many local libraries because it allows us to reach more members of the community. HSP is very grateful to booth Wooddale Public Library and Clarendon Hills Public Library for their generous support! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Ribfest Starts Tomorrow!

Tomorrow starts the annual Naperville Ribfest festival that runs through Sunday July 7th. Ribfest is a great family fun event with food, music, and fun entertainment. This year’s music headliners are STYX, Rick Springfield, and Lynyrd Skynyrd. They will also be displaying a fantastic firework display on the fourth of July at 9:30pm.
Ribfest is hosted by Naperville’s Exchange Club. The Exchange Club is an American Service Club, where groups of men and women work together to make communities a better places to live. All of the proceeds that are made from the event are given to charities and programs throughout the area. All of the charities are aimed at serving needy children and families.  Ribfest has raised more than $13 million for charity based organizations. A portion of the money made this weekend will be given to HSP. The grant donation is determined by the number of volunteers that sign up for the event to represent HSP. The more volunteers we sign-up, the more money we receive. The money made this weekend will serve the needy children and families in our summertime Feed the Kids program!
Every year Ribfest asks volunteers from the participating charities to provide volunteers for the event. There are still some last minute volunteer spots to work the beverage section on the 4th and the 7th from 4pm to 10pm. Volunteers for this section must be 21+. If you would like to represent HSP and volunteer at this year’s Ribfest let us know and we can give you all the information.

If you would like more information on these weekends’ festivities you can visit the Ribfest website at or call us at (630)221-8340. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

HSP Welcomes New Accounting Intern!

          Humanitarian Service Project is thrilled to welcome the newest intern, Richie Duarte, to the team! Richie will be working this summer side-by-side with HSP’s CFO, Floyd Kettering, to address HSP’s financial needs as an accounting intern. He started his education at Elgin Community College to work on his general education requirements and from there moved to the University of Alabama. He is currently a junior at Alabama, where he is double majoring in Accounting and Economics. In addition to working hard academically, he is involved in service through a fraternity on campus. He is the Philanthropy Chair of his fraternity and organizes fundraisers for the charities the fraternity supports such as, Boys and Girls Club.
         Richie says the internship at HSP stood out to him because he was interested in HSP’s projects. He is hoping to contribute his knowledge and experience in accounting in order to help support the programs HSP runs to serve those in need in our community. When Richie is not involved in school or fraternity work, he enjoys reading non-fiction books about finance and playing Frisbee Golf. After graduation, he aspires to use his degree to work in Risk Management or Investment Banking. Everyone at HSP is excited to welcome Richie to the team and look forward to working with him. We think Richie will be a great fit here at HSP. Please join us in welcoming Richie!