It seems that our front door is always swinging open at the Humanitarian Service Project. Between the needy families in our Children’s Birthday Project and our dutiful volunteers, we get a lot of visitors everyday. However, today there is a special kind of visitor that we at the HSP would like to recognize. Every so often we get a visitor lugging a big box, with grocery bags dangling from their arms, or toys at their hips. The bags and boxes hauled in by these visitors are always fantastic items for the needy seniors and families that we at HSP serve. Thoughtful donations like these, are always exciting at the HSP, as they allow us to make life a little easier or brighter for those affected by poverty in the area.
Last week, we had a number of thoughtful donors coming in with donations for the people we serve that we would like to thank. There were six fantastic stuffed animals and some book covers and folders brought in by Lillian Majewski, there was a bag toys and personal care items brought in by Nella Fioretta, a computer for a senior graciously brought in by John McGeever, 5 bags of sugar from Diane Riley, three bags of new winter clothes and a bread machine from Neal and Nancy Hickock, 16 “Party-in-a-Bags” made by Elle Holland and her friends, 6 bags and 2 boxes of dolls, sports equipment, games, plush toys, and gift cards from the Young Man’s Service League, and some great puzzles from Jim Gruden. Whew! That is quite the list, isn’t it? We at HSP appreciate all of these wonderful donations that come through our doors to help us reach out to those in need. If you have an item you would like to donate, please call us at 630-221-8340 to see if we could use it to fill a need.