Thanksgiving is tomorrow and there are many things to be thankful for this year. In the wake of the day to remember all the important things in life, HSP family answered the very important question what are you thankful for?
♦ I’m thankful for the wonderful support that the project receives, without this support; we would not be as successful as we are today.
- Karole Kettering, Founder/Executive Director
♦ I’m thankful for my parents for never giving up when the going gets tough. Also for their advice and preaching no matter how much I hated it. In addition, for life because it is the only gift that you can enjoy each and every day.
- Alex, Database Administrator
♦ I’m thankful for loyal friends and a supportive family
- Megan, Children Birthday Project Coordinator 
♦I’m thankful for family, friends, and being able to work with such fantastic people. I’m also thankful for having such good health
- Sarah, Senior Citizen Project Coordinator
♦ I’m thankful for food on my plate, a roof over my head, a coat to wear on cold days and a fantastic support system (friends and family).
- Kelly, Intern
♦ I’m thankful for the Humanitarian Service Project and all the help it provides to families that truly need it.
- Jan, Toy Room Coordinator
♦ I’m thankful for my family and friends.
- Katie, Intern
♦ I’m thankful for the opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family, the opportunity to read for fun now that I am done with college, being able to shop at resale shops that have nice brands and low prices. In addition, that all my siblings are together even if I’m not with them.
- Sharon, Intern
♦ I am thankful for having my family with me and having an opportunity to study at Elmhurst College.
- Liliana, Intern
♦ I’m thankful for the 6-15 gifts in each child’s birthday box, the three months of the Feed The Kids Project, the two people who founded and made HSP possible, and a partridge and a GIVING TREE!!!!
- Abhi, Intern
HSP would like to thank everyone who has helped out and has made a difference in the lives of hundreds of needy people. We can not do it any of this without you.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!