Are you ready to start craving the turkey? The mashed potatoes? The stuffing? Possibly tackle Black Friday? Enjoy the holiday and remember what it's for:
What We are Thankful For
"We are truly grateful for the love and support of our family; and for the opportunity to make a difference in the world through the support of so many of our wonderful donors, volunteers, and staff. Your caring about others' well being has also made a difference in our lives."
- Karole and Floyd Kettering, Co-Founders
"Supportive family and friends, my health, having a place to live, a working vehicle, and the chance to work daily with such wonderful people"
- Sarah Grindstaff, Senior Citizen Project Coordinator
"I am thankful for the people in my life: my peers, co-workers, friends, roommates, and especially my family. I am thankful for their health and well being. I am thankful for the opportunities I have been given and the blessings in my life."
- Stephanie Ferrini, Intern
"I'm thankful for my health, my home, my happiness, and for the opportunity to serve needy individuals in my own community on a professional level."
- George Hofmann, Patron Relations Coordinator
"I am thankful for the sound of laughter. Whether it is from a family member, friend, co-worker, or even a stranger, laughter has the power to lift one's spirit on any occasion."
- Laura Saad, Intern
"I am thankful for my family, of course. For second chances, the beauty of nature, and a great Alabama football team this year. At work, I have the great fortune to see the best side of humankind- those people who walk through our doors and say, 'I want to help.' "
- Shelia Noblitt, Operations Assistant
"I am thankful for the exciting opportunity that HSP has offered me, and look forward to the future. I also am thankful for my health, family, and friends."
- Andrea King, Intern
"This year, I am thankful for a full year at HSP, a great place to work, and the opportunity to serve the needy by using my talents. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn a new profession, and thankful for the support and patience of my family as I complete the training needed to make the transition."
- Krista Ravenscraft, Intern
"I am thankful for the new faces and wonderful people that have come into my life. I'm thankful for surrounding myself with individuals that allow me to grow in mind, body, and spirit. Most of all, I am thankful for laughter and smiling faces."
- Nikki Haton, Children's Birthday Project Coordinator
"I am thankful to be alive."
- Jan Thompson, Toy Room Supervisor
All of us here at Humanitarian Service Project hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
What are you thankful for?